MOK's Onomatomaniske Kaos
Super Cool


    Install Arch Linux from scratch on Mac mini

    This is a description of how I installed Arch on my Mac mini (ultimo 2012) that I purchased very cheaply refurbished. This machine has 16 Gb of RAM and 128 Gb SSD and it was expensive when it was first purchased. It is not possible to upgrade this machine past macOS Catalina, but with Linux the support will continue forever, and this little computer can continue to run a modern, fully secure and updated operating system.


    Convert Launchpad repos to git

    This is a short guide on how to convert your Bazaar repos to git on Launchpad, which is Ubuntu’s development server. Bazaar was chosen by Ubuntu as their revision control system, and the developers did a lot of work on the Bazaar code, which is written in Python. However, development stopped several years ago, and Bazaar was no longer maintained. A spinoff project named Breezy took over, and is maintaining the code, now invoked by the commend brz (but with an alias to former ‘bzr’). Anyway, it’s time to convert my archives to git.


    Disk Quota Exceeded?

    The disk quota system in Linux is quite old, and if you have a distributed workstation environment with NFS mounted shares it is not possible in a convenient way to inform users that they have exceeded their disk limits.


    How to use ssh authentication keys
    If you have an account on a remote computer that you use very often, it is convienient if you do not have to type your password every time you log on to another host. You can achieve this by using ssh’s authorization keys. First, you need to generate a key-pair. A key-pair consists of two small files. One file contains your secret key, the other your public key. Your secret key is, as the name implies, secret. ...