MOK's Onomatomaniske Kaos
Super Cool

Tips for Hugo

Tips and tricks on Hugo, Emacs, Org-mode and ox-hugo I discovered while developing this site, in random order.

1 Emacs Org Mode support in Hugo

If your content format is Emacs Org Mode, you may provide front matter using Org Mode keywords. For example:

#+TITLE: Example
#+DATE: 2024-02-02T04:14:54-08:00
#+DRAFT: false
#+AUTHOR: John Smith
#+GENRES: mystery
#+GENRES: romance
#+TAGS: red
#+TAGS: blue
#+WEIGHT: 10

Note that you can also specify array elements on a single line:

 #+TAGS[]: red blue

which is now the preferred way, multiline tags are deprecated.

When using the Emacs Org Mode content format, use a # more divider to indicate the end of the content summary.

Check out the Hugo manual here.

Hugo’s translation of Org mode files not working

Hugo can translate Org files but the dates are messed up, Hugo can’t interpret the #+DATE: field as written by Emacs. I have given up to figure out how it works and I am going back to ox-hugo.

These are the fields you need to tag for ox-hugo, they are different from the tags Hugo uses when translating Org files.

#+HUGO_SECTION: ./posts
#+HUGO_DESCRIPTION: "A description of this page"
#+HUGO_TAGS: hugo org
#+HUGO_DRAFT: false
#+HUGO_MENU: :menu "main" :weight 20
#+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :foo bar :baz zoo :alpha 1 :beta "two words"

There is a problem with ox-hugo when it exports author, in the toml frontmatter it outputs:

author = ["Morten Kjeldgaard"]

but it needs to be:

author = "Morten Kjeldgaard"

therefore I also have to specify no export of author, AND export the author verbatim, like this:

#+OPTIONS: author:nil
#+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :author "Morten Kjeldgaard"

Advantage of using ox-hugo over Hugo’s Org translation

The advantage of using ox-hugo is that document remains a pristine Org-mode document, with proper Org-mode header lines, but most importantly, without Hugo patches to the format. The most notable is the end-of-summary marker, which in Hugo’s org is #more, but that line will appear if you export your Org document to other formats. Instead, use this:

#+html: <!--more-->

The drawback of using ox-hugo is that there’s an extra step exporting the document to markdown, usually with a C-c C-e H h key combo. However, this can be skipped if the org-hugo-auto-export-mode is set, this can be done on a per file basis by entering as the last lines of the document:

# Local Variables:
# eval: (org-hugo-auto-export-mode)
# End:

or it can be activated globally in init.el.

2 Highlight of code and other markup settings

    anchorLineNos = false
    codeFences = true
    guessSyntax = false
    hl_Lines = ''
    hl_inline = false
    lineAnchors = ''
    lineNoStart = 1
    lineNos = false
    lineNumbersInTable = true
    noClasses = true  # false turns off code highlighting
    noHl = false
    style = 'monokai'
    tabWidth = 4

3 Allow HTML in files

To allow the export of raw HTML in content files, the following has to be in the site’s config.toml file:

  unsafe = true # Allow HTML in md files

Literal export in Org mode files

A single line of raw HTML can be exported like this:

#+HTML: <p>Literal HTML code for export</p>

Larger blocks can be embedded in an HTML block:

  <p><i>All lines between these markers are exported literally</i></p>

Below is an example of this:

Literal HTML code for export

All lines between these markers are exported literally

Check out the Org manual here.

4 Set Hugo code block theme

Hugo uses the Chroma highlighter engine1. The default theme is apparently monokai, but it is too much contrast for my site with super black code blocks. I found the list of themes here and chose monokailight which looks much nicer. The code theme is defined in config.toml thus:

 pygmentsstyle = "monokailight"

5 Add metatags for SEO

Found these suggestions here.

Metadata is used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), and other web services. The <meta> tag defines metadata about an HTML document. <meta> tags always go inside the <head> element, and are typically used to specify character set charset, page description, keywords, author of the document, and viewport settings.


Use keywords meta tag to provide a list of search keywords of current the page. This is done in Hugo by adding the keywords meta tag in the partials/head.html template:

{{ with .Param.Keywords }}
   <meta name="keywords" content="{{ delimit . "," }}">
{{ end }}

Then in markdown use keywords to define a list of keywords:

title: Tips on Hugo SEO
- hugo
- seo


Use description tag to provide a short description of the page, this adds a description meta tag to allow search engine used in the snippet shown in search results in some situations.

{{ with .Param.Description }}
   <meta name="keywords" content="{{ . }}">
{{ end }}

How to insert description and keyword metatags with ox-hugo

Unfortunately, there are no #+HUGO_DESCRIPTION or #+HUGO_KEYWORDS tags for ox-hugo, but the following works:

  #+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :description My Hugo tips
  #+HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :keywords hugo ox-hugo emacs

When the right code in =partials/head.html, this becomes strings in the markdown front matter and eventually gets translated into meta tags:

 <meta name="description" content="My Hugo tips">
 <meta name="keywords" content="hugo, ox-hugo, emacs">

6 Other blog posts

Here’s some other blog posts I’ve come across: