MOK's Onomatomaniske Kaos
Super Cool

Blog posts

    Installing Jekyll
    If you are using Python 3 as a standard, the Jekyll installation from homebrew might give you problems, because the Jekyll installation out-of-the box uses the syntax higlighter Pygments, which does not work under Python 3. # more This is the rather mysterious error I got: $ jekyll serve --trace Configuration file: /Users/mok/github/ Source: /Users/mok/github/ Destination: /Users/mok/github/ Generating... Liquid Exception: No header received back. in _posts/2015-05-02-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown Instead, use the Ruby highlighter rouge. ...

    Disk Quota Exceeded?

    The disk quota system in Linux is quite old, and if you have a distributed workstation environment with NFS mounted shares it is not possible in a convenient way to inform users that they have exceeded their disk limits.


    How to use ssh authentication keys
    If you have an account on a remote computer that you use very often, it is convienient if you do not have to type your password every time you log on to another host. You can achieve this by using ssh’s authorization keys. First, you need to generate a key-pair. A key-pair consists of two small files. One file contains your secret key, the other your public key. Your secret key is, as the name implies, secret. ...